Entrepreneurs who are deeply in debt or elderly people who are no longer able to manage their own finances. An administrator stands up for and protects these people. Many administrators now use Fineaid, a very extensive Delphi application with a lot of possibilities. “We look after our clients like a good family,” says Arie Verkerk, director of Fininda, an umbrella organisation for several administrators’ offices. “Our own application helps us to do this work well.”
Arie Verkerk started in 2006 with his own administrators’ office. At that time, there was no suitable administrator software. “Software was often too complex, opaque and not suitable for our field. That is why we chose to develop a basic package ourselves, Fineaid.” At first, Fineaid had its own programmer. “In 2015, the programmer decided he wanted to change his career,” says Arie. “I no longer had a programmer. In my search for a Delphi programmer, I came across GDK. GDK employs several Delphi programmers, so I no longer depend on one person. There is a better support structure.”
The software is very extensive. “With Fineaid, we manage the income of thousands of people,” continues Arie, “We also act for the interests of creditors. Who gets paid first? Does someone have to meet certain obligations? Is someone receiving the right level of care? Is someone being exploited? Is someone in the right house?”
The application is more than just a database of clients. “It is actually a small banking package. We manage thousands of cases with even more linked bank accounts. All money transfers are arranged in the correct way. We distribute millions of euros. The interest is also very large. Money that comes in is managed and paid out separately. On the other side of the application, we communicate with the customers. It is a broad package.”
The cases within Fineaid contain a lot of sensitive information. “The program communicates with the court’s digital environment. Everything that is built must comply with GDPR regulations and also other laws and regulations. These requirements differ by person and by situation. The application deals with this in a clever way.” Fineaid also links with bank transactions, accounting packages, document management software and telephone systems. “To give an example: a client calls in and – thanks to Fineaid – is recognised and directly connected to their case manager.”
Arie Verkerk, Fineaid
In order to create a good application, Arie processes feedback from every office that uses the software. “Our wish list is greater than the number of programming hours that we take from GDK,” says the director of Fidinda with a big smile. “It is therefore always a quest. What do we do first? If a request cannot be granted immediately, it may be picked up later during general development.”
In the coming years, Arie will continue to work with GDK. “They have the programmers, the knowledge and the know-how”, concludes Arie. “We have a good balance. Additionally, there is also plenty to develop. Data exchange is becoming increasingly important, so we need to connect our software with more systems and packages. Especially in the field of Artificial Intelligence, there are still big steps that can be taken. Labelling payments, forecasts based on budgets, bulk processing of e-mail and post, linking documents to claims. This can be done even smarter and better.”
Arie is satisfied with the collaboration with GDK Software. “I am in Nieuw-Lekkerland and not far from Papendrecht, so we can see each other quickly. We also share the same no-nonsense culture here. Doing your job well, that’s what counts. Programming isn’t difficult. The translation within the relationship you have with each other is more important. That you build something together. Do you speak the same language? Do you like each other in that area? These are questions that weigh heavily on my mind.”
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